
The Effect of Nationalist Discourse on the Representation of Ancient Iran in the New Historiography of the Qajar Period (A Case Study of Khosravan's Book by Jalal al-Din Mirza Qajar)

Pages 9-31
Mohammad Amir Ahmadzade; Mohammad Niazy


Akhbar al-Tiwal's Narrative of Emergence of the Abassids: An Instance of the Abbasid Perspective

Pages 33-53
Mohammad Ahmadimanesh


The Historical Perspective of Isma’ilis Philosophical Components

Pages 55-75
Ali Babaei Siab; Fatemeh Janahmadi; Sayed Hashem Aghajari


A Review of Narrations by Mo’jam al-Sahāba about the al-K̲h̲ulafāʾ al-Rās̲h̲idūn, Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Model of Fairclough

Pages 77-96
Zohreh Bagherian; MohammadAli Chelongar; Asghar Montazer Al-Ghaem


An Event, A Historian, Three Narrations: A Critical Analysis of Kasravi's Narratives of the Uprising of Sheikh Mohammad Khaybani

Pages 97-117
Esmail Hassanzadeh


Historiography of Makki: Political Agency, Heroism and its Relationship with Profession of Historiography

Pages 119-136
Yaghoub Khazaei


An analysis of action pattern and Narrative Syntax in Ardeshi Zahedi᾿s narrative of the coup 28th Mordad 1332/ August 19th 1953

Pages 137-157
Mahdi Rafatipanah Mehrabadi


Applying the Publishing Standards of the International Institute of ISO in Persian Journals of History

Pages 159-184
Seyyed mahmood Sadat; Mohammad Jamaloo


Analysis of the Comparison of Historiographical Components in the History of Diyarbakiriyah and Alam Aray e Amini by Reflecting the Fiction Question

Pages 185-210
Moslem Soleimanian


Abdolhossein Khatoon Abadi's Historiography and its Differences and Innovations

Pages 211-233
Maghsoud Ali Sadeghi


The Dilemma of Subalterns Political Agency in Cultural History: a Comparative Study

Pages 235-254
Abouzar Fattahizadeh; Mohammad Javad Abdollahi


Reinventing the Self: A Philosophical Encounter with the Historiography of Cultural Identity

Pages 255-274
Hossein Mesbahian

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